
Hall and Oatesmeal

Look, I think, despite all evidence to the contrary, that I am still a pretty hip guy. With it. You know, on top of trends, despite my vastly outdated slang in that first sentence.

I try and do keep up, but you know, glancing at pitchforkmedia.com every so often just doesn't cut it. I straddle that grup line, but it's starting to wear thin. Either the line or my straddle.

Anyway, I feel entirely vindicated today because in this week's SF Weekly in an article entitled "I Can Go For That: The Web 2.0 Generation recharges Hall & Oates Hits" I learned that Hall & Oates (H & O) are back. And if you check my lastfm profile, you'll see that H & O are my third most played artist. Again, I'm just ahead of the curve. Here's an interview with Oates in the SF Weekly.

Actually, I played H & O obsessively while grinding out two draft chapters of my dissertation in January and February. For some reason, the extremely well-crafted pop allowed me to hack my way through about 100 pages. I used to buy a CD when I had to write a paper. I'd just play that sucker over and over again, and I suppose H & O got me through the hump this past winter, although others suffered my enthusiasm for Messers Hall and Oates. My apologies again, J., but a boy's gotta compulsively blast his brain sometime.


mosspink said...

Dude, no wai. Well, I suppose congrats are in order for being first to trend, but srsly, I think it is a testament to my superhuman strength for not throwing something at you during your H&O stint.

Warner Belanger said...

Hmmm superhuman patience perhaps.
It did wear off afterwards. A brief torrid love affair with Daryl and John's music. And hairstyles.
And seriously, Michael Jackson stole that beat from 'I Can't Go For That'.

Warner Belanger said...

Oops, Jenny double-commented, and I think I deleted the wrong one. Well, I hadn't had my tea, so I apologize.
I think the other one involved grievous bodily harm.