
Tibetans Rise Up

You might have seen on the news that there are riots in Tibet. The best source that I know of personally to comment on this is the entry "Lhasa Burns" by Jason Sangster. I met him and his wife, Leigh, in Kathmandu several years ago, and they lived in Lhasa for a year and a half. They have friends there and sources of information.

The situation is extremely grave because it appears that Tibetans are attempting to protest this year because of the Olympics in Beijing. I have one good friend in Lhasa that I am very worried about. Let's hope for the best and that the government of the PRC becomes wise and compassionate.

1 comment:

michael smith said...

You and I seem to have a lot in common: I'm from Alexandria but now live in New Orleans when I'm in the states. I also studied Buddhism in Kathmandu on a Fulbright in 2006-2007.

My blog has some overlapping content to yours: kilgoresmith.blogspot.com.